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Favourite best selling Baby books!

What was your first baby book?

Can you remember the first book you ever read?

My earliest memories of reading are associated with a collection of Ladybird books. Our family book collection included Rumpelstiltskin, Puss in Boots, The Three Billy goats Gruff. Plus The Elves and the shoemaker and my favourite The Sly Fox.

However I have great difficulty remembering the very first books I was introduced to. In the 70’s parents weren’t as aware of how important books are at pre-school and nursery as we are today.

Your Childs favourite First Book.

For example as a parent I have fond memories of my children’s first book and favourite books. All of my children have loved certain books for different reasons. My eldest loved his personalised copy of Toy Story and had a great love for the character Woody. And my eldest daughter loved the The Little Ballerinas as we would recite the book replacing the characters name with her name. Where as my youngest always loved the Calm Down Boris puppet book and would go into uncontrollable fits of the giggles as we gradually followed through the pages (not always a great book for bedtime).

Plus I believe the greatest best selling baby books have great illustrations that capture children’s imagination before they can ever read or understand letters in the alphabet.

Therefore when creating one of my first books ‘My Positive Alphabet’ I realised that I was onto a winner. When my nephews and nieces visited my studio one day and my nephew just burst into animated giggles as he pointed to my ‘gallus’ (cheeky) highland cow.

Additionally I am not overly concerned about book reviewers or publishers opinions but as an ex-entrepreneur my only real critics are my customers- children.

However when a 4 year old who cannot yet read pronounces the word ‘capercaillie’ seeing a drawing. And a two year old with a love of dinosaurs has his eyes light up at the sight of your ‘Nessie’ you know you have created something wonderful for your little customer.

P.S. Why not learn about my first book ‘My First Friend; your first pet dog’ and my pal Polly?

Learn more about Denise McKeever on Goodreads.