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Children’s Author and Illustrator 2025

Inspiring Children’s Picture Books 2024

As we approach the end of 2024 I am delighted with the new children’s picture books I have added to my children’s book collection this year. This year my books have been inspired by significant people I have met in my life, aspiring role models that have had a purpose and legacy that cannot be summed up in a little book. Yet I have tried my best to honour them in my modest little scribbles and writing!

Children’s First Prayers and Commandments!

My First Prayer Book

Inspired by both a teacher and family friend who would appear at our little cottage in Morningside like ‘Mary Poppins’ this book was dedicated to ‘Our Sister Magdalene’. Sister Magdalene would regularly visit offering my parents a break from myself and my 8 siblings. She always appeared on her motorcycle with her leather bag tied to the back seat of her Honda. We would all sit eagerly waiting around the fireplace to discover what she had tucked away in her bag; arts and crafts, puzzles or games -she never ceased to surprise us!

Sister Magdalene

Children’s Ten Commandments

Surprisingly my second book this year ‘Children’s Ten Commandments; Whispers from God was also inspired by another nun Sister Martina Boylan. I first met Martina in my early 20’s after graduating from Art College where we struck up a friendship and I discovered her amazing life’s story in particular her work in Uganda in the 1960’s and 70’s. Martina’s miraculous fervour for life continues unhampered even at 93 only earlier this summer she suddenly appeared at my front door with her zimmer after jumping on a train from London to come and visit her friends in Scotland.

Already both of these books have become personal favourites of mine with a special young nieces seal of approval by insisting that her dad reads her ‘My First Prayer Book’ every night.

I am not sure what new books I will have in store in 2025, and who will inspire me to put pencil to paper but both of these books were a pleasure to create, in honour of two of the most remarkable women I have had the pleasure to know!

Children's Ten Commandments; Whispers from God picture book by Children's Author and Illustrator Denise McKeever
My First Prayer Book picture book by Children's Author and Illustrator Denise McKeever

Learn more about reading both books along with Granny Burn Story Time!

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Digit: Encourage your child’s interest and love of numbers and counting

Discover The Scribblers and Digit: Encourage your child’s interest and love of numbers and counting! Available to download FREE in eBook format from 29th February to 2nd March 2024 only.

Welcome to the wonderful world of ‘The Scribblers’ and the joyful world of Digit! Discover and encourage your Child’s individual skills and talents through numbers and understanding their love of counting and numeracy with our wonderful character Digit! If your child love’s numbers, counting and arithmetic this humorous characterisations of your Child’s talents and joy of numbers can develop into something wonderful and creative. 

Why not discover if you may have your own little Scribe,Doodle,Splat or Digit?

  • The Scribblers book series is an Exciting and Creative Book Series!
  • Each Book Highlights the Individual Skills and Talents of Children at an Early Age!
  • Does your Little One Love numbers & counting? 
  • Introduce your child to our Fantastical Creative Creatures that they will Love and Identify with as they discover their Own Individual Talents, Interests and Loves.
  • Read this book along and aloud with Granny Burns Story Time on YouTube!
  • REMEBER ALL of our Paperbacks/Hardbacks are printed especially for your individual order by Amazon!

Enjoy also some humorous characterisations of young children depicted by Digit who loves numbers, Doodles fascination of drawing or Splats exuberant joy of self expression. Just a few of the many books created by Scottish Children’s Author & Illustrator Denise McKeever.

If you would like to learn more about our quarterly FREE give aways and promotions visit sign-up now!

Many Thanks

X Denise

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Likewise if you aren’t already familiar with Goodreads and Smashwords sign-up and join us and take advantage of all our annual New Year & Summer promotions on Ebooks.

In our next Summer edition we will be announcing our successful ‘Granny Burns Story Time- Series 2’ following the success of Series 1 of 11 Episodes with Granny Burns. Our episode ‘My Scottish Alphabet’ has been a roaring success with 52k + views.

This Spring we have added lots of new articles which we share on all our social media accounts from Pinterest, X to Instagram & Facebook. We now have some excellent articles with book recommendations for Parents on Self Help & Personal Development-some of my all time favourites. Plus a whole section for teenagers too.

Web: Email: Youtube: Granny BurnsStory Time

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Tips for Helping Creative Children!

What are the Top Tips for Helping Creative Children? As a Creative; Art student, Design Graduate, Maker, Fashion Designer, Product Designer, Illustrator, Writer what helped me growing up as a Creative Child?

For me my greatest pride as a 10 year old was the old diary I carried everywhere, which I filled with my copies of Disney characters. This was the beginning of my love for drawing & illustrating children’s characters. I got the bug from a competition in my village library where I can remember myself as a 5 year old devastated that I never won! A disappointment that never disheartened me but was the beginning of my journey as a creative child and then adult.

For me the five key elements that helped that creative child were;

  1. Support, encouragement and interest from others- my parents, my aunts, uncles, teachers. Every talent has an opportunity to flourish and grow if encouraged.
  2. Basic tools– as the second eldest with eight siblings my parents helped us all where they could to give us the basic tools for our interests and passions. In my case in the 70’s cheap affordable sketch books and drawing pads weren’t common place and affordable. But I relished using paper off cuts from my dads business old unused and unfilled diaries- they were my sketch books. The lined paper didn’t stop me from drawing.

3. Competition– my talents grew when I always had someone to compare myself against. Whether this was one of my best friends in 6th year at High School who later went on to study Sculpture at Art College who I constantly compared myself against and shared a common passion for art and drawing. To the primary school library books where I glimpsed a collection of four Disney catalogues that imprinted my earliest memory of my favourite Artist- Walt Disney. That was what I wanted to aspire to become!

4. Variety– an opportunity to try different genres, styles and areas of art. At Art College my foundation year was fabulous! Jam packed into one year I tried sculpture, ceramics, stain glass, graphics, illustration, fine art, fashion, jewellery and silversmithing! A reflection of my childhood surrounded by a Mother who taught us all to sew, knit, crochet, a Dad that loved drawing horses, and aunts and friends that would appear with bags full of paints and crafts and spend endless hours doing crafts with me and my siblings.

5. Knowing– that instinct for knowing what I loved, what I enjoyed what made my heart sing. That early recognition of what I would spend hours doing without effort. What reflected my introvert persona, my pleasure of working alone and the satisfaction and love for just creating.

If you think you have a creative child why not check out my books series ‘The Scribblers’. Do you have a child that is an budding artist, builder, creator what I call a ‘Doodle’. A child that loves making a mess, splashing, the outdoors, gardening a ‘Splat’. Or maybe a little one that loves numbers or words a ‘Digit’ or ‘Scribe’. What ever your child’s talents are support them with, encouragement, resources(tools), variety, competition and space to discover who they are ‘their love & talent’.

If you want yo learn more visit my Youtube page to see me live at work!

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Scottish Story Teller & Author 2024

As a Scottish Children’s Author & Illustrator I decided to create my own Story telling podcast on Youtube. ‘Granny Burns Story Time’ has been a roaring success! Allowing us to share our books with a wider audience of children & parents.

Over a 9 week period every Saturday at 5pm UK time we scheduled our weekly podcast with ‘Granny Burns’ narrated by Denise. Since its launch we have seen a great uptake in new subscribers and great viewing figures. This has given us a wonderful opportunity to showcase our wide range of children’s picture books! This gives children and parents a taster of our books before they buy one of our paperbacks, hardbacks or ebooks.

Over the nine consecutive episodes every Saturday evening we have had particular interest in our children’s book’ Scottish Alphabet: for Children’. Currently with over 10 thousand views and climbing!

Sign-up Now and watch all nine episodes with Granny Burns!

Additionally if your little one’s love dogs you will love our three episodes on our three dog books Puppy Love, My First Friend & I Love My Dog. ‘My First Friend; your first dog’ has been a great success in the U.S. successfully selling in 42 U.S.A. States with Five Star reviews!

Alternatively if you have creative wee one’s and Toty kids you will love ‘The Scribblers’ choose from Doodle, Digit, Scribe or Splat.

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New Children’s Author 2024

What do we need from Children’s Authors and Illustrators in 2022?

As a mum of three the past nineteen months could have been either the most positive or most negative experience for my children. So what should a new children’s author be writing about in 2022? What do kid’s need?

As a parent and children’s author I believe we need to reassess first what our children really want to read and hear. Not what in day to day life the teachers, academics, media, politicians, social warriors and government task groups want or think they need to hear.


Parents ultimately know what is best for their children! I believe we need more Children’s Authors in 2022 who are parents. Parents that will speak up for the real issues facing children in this 21st century.

As I have said before when we receive the greatest honour in life when ‘I becomes Mum or Dad’ we become their lifelong gatekeepers but more importantly a voice to speak on their behalf.

Many of us as parents just want to get the basics right & have happy, confident children with good mental & physical health. And a positive educational experience that supports them in fulfilling their dreams.

In my first Young Adult book ‘The Gamekeepers; the Highland Games’ which I published in early 2019, I shared my thoughts on the two challenges I believe teenagers are facing today. First the 21st century distracted and absent parent and secondly the over-stretching power & influence of Social Media.

Importantly in the past nineteen months I believe we have changed the growing trend of the distracted or absent parent.

For many of us as parents who have had to work from home we have had to face some sobering realities. Becoming teacher & surrogate classmate we have become closer to our children. We have discovered how to listen more, we have become present in the moment, less distracted. And our relationships with our children have become better for the unplanned circumstances of working remotely.

Unfortunately we still have the greater battle to win ‘the damaging forces of Social Media!’.

ARE you a New Children’s Author for 2022?

So for any mums or dad’s out there looking for a new career in 2022.

Could you express what your children want to hear?

Can you express on paper the real challenges your children are facing day to day?

Could you offer some inspiration and escapism for your children’s generation?

Can you be a resounding voice for your children?

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Favourite best selling Baby books!

What was your first baby book?

Can you remember the first book you ever read?

My earliest memories of reading are associated with a collection of Ladybird books. Our family book collection included Rumpelstiltskin, Puss in Boots, The Three Billy goats Gruff. Plus The Elves and the shoemaker and my favourite The Sly Fox.

However I have great difficulty remembering the very first books I was introduced to. In the 70’s parents weren’t as aware of how important books are at pre-school and nursery as we are today.

Your Childs favourite First Book.

For example as a parent I have fond memories of my children’s first book and favourite books. All of my children have loved certain books for different reasons. My eldest loved his personalised copy of Toy Story and had a great love for the character Woody. And my eldest daughter loved the The Little Ballerinas as we would recite the book replacing the characters name with her name. Where as my youngest always loved the Calm Down Boris puppet book and would go into uncontrollable fits of the giggles as we gradually followed through the pages (not always a great book for bedtime).

Plus I believe the greatest best selling baby books have great illustrations that capture children’s imagination before they can ever read or understand letters in the alphabet.

Therefore when creating one of my first books ‘My Positive Alphabet’ I realised that I was onto a winner. When my nephews and nieces visited my studio one day and my nephew just burst into animated giggles as he pointed to my ‘gallus’ (cheeky) highland cow.

Additionally I am not overly concerned about book reviewers or publishers opinions but as an ex-entrepreneur my only real critics are my customers- children.

However when a 4 year old who cannot yet read pronounces the word ‘capercaillie’ seeing a drawing. And a two year old with a love of dinosaurs has his eyes light up at the sight of your ‘Nessie’ you know you have created something wonderful for your little customer.

P.S. Why not learn about my first book ‘My First Friend; your first pet dog’ and my pal Polly?

Learn more about Denise McKeever on Goodreads.

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Scottish Children’s Author & Illustrator 2021

What are the challenges of trying to break through as a Scottish Children’s Author & Illustrator in 2021?

With the ever growing opportunities and tools available to create and publish your own books in the year 2021 the book and publishing industry is becoming an ever crowded space. Everyone with the will, time and energy has the tools at their fingertips to self-publish. The big challenge is standing out from the crowd and breaking through to make an honest and financially rewarding career for yourself whether you are a writer or illustrator. Today with great platforms such as Amazon books, Apple Books, Smashwords and Kobo to name just a few you can upload an ebook, paperback in a matter of minutes. For me being a successful Scottish Children’s Author & Illustrator in 2021 is about being unique and different and yourself.

My experience as a Scottish Children’s Author & Illustrator in 2021 has shown me that success like anything in life takes persistence, hard work and attention to detail and approaching book selling like any other business. Creating a great product that people want yo buy and finding effective ways to market and sell your books to the correct customer in the most effective and intelligent way possible.

My tips for new authors & illustrators!

Crunch down who you are as an author? What genre, style, reader do you relate to? What do you understand and know better than anyone? What unique perspective or story do you want to share with others? What drives and motivates you to write or illustrate? Who is your tribe, clan or group of readers and book buyers that share your thinking and ideas?

Understand the industry of self publishing and publishing!

Do you want to be totally autonomous and independent? Do you have the skills and talents to market your books yourself?


Do you want the prestige of a publishing deal and allow others to market and sell your books for you?

Shortcuts in self publishing!

Some simple basic advice I would give to anyone pursuing a future in self publishing whether your a children’s orauthor or adult is ;

  • Read & Research
  • Plan & Prepare
  • Get Tech savy
  • Go big on social media

Read & Research

Next have a direct strategy starting with Amazon & Smashwords profiles and accounts sort the rest later. Master amazon self publishing first especially if you are an illustrator Kindle Create & Kindle Kids’ Book Creator are so straight forward to master. You will find all the data, software and technical advice through your KDP account sign-up. Set up your full author profile on Author Central (sign-up on every continent available). Remember to set up your accounts in both the USA & UK very important.

Your second target is Smashwords your middle man upload to Smashwords and get straight into to lots of retailers incl. APPLE, BARNESANDNOBLE, GARDNERS, KOBO, ODILO & SCRIBD to just name a few. Download your FREE guides on formatting for Smashwords from founder Mark Coker Book Marketing Guide, Ebook Publishing Success & Smashwords Style Guide.

Plan & Prepare

Also have a planned strategy for your goals and objectives as an author or illustrator. Is this a hobby or future career? Set goals from sales revenues, no. of book sales, free give aways and launches.

Get Tech Savy

Read all the technical small print from accurate planning of your book templates for picture books to formatting for heavy text writing and creating your own templates for future use when coming to publish your 2nd, 3rd and 4th book.

Read, research, read technical blogs of other self published authors and great advisors i.e. The Creative Penn

Go Big on social media

Lastly ensure you understand all the big social media platforms and their different uses, benefits and down falls as a Scottish children’s Author & Illustrator I have realised how important the continuity of using the same profile URL is in not loosing followers .

Ensure you can secure a memorable name & identity the same across all platforms from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest to Linkedin. More importantly get visible on book reader hubs i.e. Goodreads and Wattpad.

Discover how to use FREE software like Hootsuite to push out multiple social media adverts in on go.

Most importantly as a new author or illustrator just take that first step and get creating and writing, the first step is always the most difficult!