As an author & illustrator I was a late starter to reading. My real passion for reading began when I was first introduced to the world of Self-Help and Personal Development aged 16 years old. This genre of book was essential and instrumental to my self-confidence, perception and vision of the world.
Therefore from the perspective of a mother the single skill I would wish for each of my children is to master the power of ‘Positive Thinking’.
‘The Power of Positive Thinking’ by Norman Vincent Peale
One of the first books I ever read was ‘The Power of Positive Thinking’ by Norman Vincent Peale a book that has become one of my life’s mantras. As an adult the core principle that has always served me through life’s challenges, up’s and down’s is having possession of my own mind. And to look for the positive in every given situation- no matter how challenging.
Life is as Croesus, adviser to Cyrus, King of the Persians stated;
“There is a wheel on which the affairs of men or women revolve, and its mechanism is such that it prevents any man or woman from being always fortunate…… This same wheel that prevents any man or woman from being always fortunate may provide also that no one shall be always unfortunate, provided he will take possession of his own mind and direct it to the attainment of some Definite Major Purpose in Life.”
Above all I believe as parents and custodian’s of the next generation we eventually come to a point in their lives where we cannot control what good or bad fortune our children face in life. But while they are children and in our care we can prepare them from an early age with strategies, tools and skills to take possession of their own thoughts with a healthy perspective of the world.
Albert Einstein
One of the most influential thinkers of the last century was Albert Einstein and for all his knowledge and expertise he considered that the most important question facing humanity was;
‘Is the universe a friendly place?’ This is the first and most basic question all people must answer for themselves.
So I would love to ask this generation of children this same question in this age of social media, technology and social change.
Do you view the Universe as a friendly place?
Can you view the future with optimism and possibility?
Do you possess the skill and control to think Positively?
Similarly I believe that as custodians of the next generation we have a responsibility to be honest about the world but more importantly we should offer them reminders that ‘the Universe is a friendly place’.
Beginning at an early age with one small simple positive image, word, affirmation, story or action at a time.
My book recommendations this month;
‘The Power of Positive Thinking’ by Norman Vincent Peale
My Positive Alphabet learn more!
Additionally if you love my books why not learn more about our new book collection The Scribblers?