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Top 5 Self Help Books for Teens?

If you are looking for the Top 5 books on Self Help for Teenagers look no further!

The following books are the key classics for both encouraging your young adult to consider personal development & self improvement while discovering a new genre of book!

The following books are some of my all time favourites and often those I recommended to both adults, parents and teens.

Timeless well written books often appeal to a variety of age groups, and self help is a subject that you are never too young or too old to discover!

1. The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale

If you want to develop a positive attitude of mind, become less fearful and pessimistic this is the starting point of Self help. This book defines my personal mantra in Life!

2. Think and grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

This remains my ultimate book in self help, a book I believe every young person should read in their teens. Pay particular interest to the ‘Self Analysis’ chapter an invaluable tool for every chapter of your life!

3. The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield

This book is exceptionally good at deal with simplifying the issues of power between parent and child, and for any relationship where individuals are trying to discover their own path and direction in life.

4. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

The ultimate classic novel in discovering valuable lessons about yourself!

5. The Gamekeepers: the Highland Games

This is my own publication for Young Adults based on Scottish Mythology set in the year 2030. This book combines a variety of self help lessons as the hero in the book is set a series of unenviable challenges that sends her on an adventure with the help and support of several unique and unusual friends.