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Likewise if you aren’t already familiar with Goodreads and Smashwords sign-up and join us and take advantage of all our annual New Year & Summer promotions on Ebooks.

In our next Summer edition we will be announcing our successful ‘Granny Burns Story Time- Series 2’ following the success of Series 1 of 11 Episodes with Granny Burns. Our episode ‘My Scottish Alphabet’ has been a roaring success with 52k + views.

This Spring we have added lots of new articles which we share on all our social media accounts from Pinterest, X to Instagram & Facebook. We now have some excellent articles with book recommendations for Parents on Self Help & Personal Development-some of my all time favourites. Plus a whole section for teenagers too.

Web: Email: Youtube: Granny BurnsStory Time

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Scottish Children’s Author & Illustrator 2021

What are the challenges of trying to break through as a Scottish Children’s Author & Illustrator in 2021?

With the ever growing opportunities and tools available to create and publish your own books in the year 2021 the book and publishing industry is becoming an ever crowded space. Everyone with the will, time and energy has the tools at their fingertips to self-publish. The big challenge is standing out from the crowd and breaking through to make an honest and financially rewarding career for yourself whether you are a writer or illustrator. Today with great platforms such as Amazon books, Apple Books, Smashwords and Kobo to name just a few you can upload an ebook, paperback in a matter of minutes. For me being a successful Scottish Children’s Author & Illustrator in 2021 is about being unique and different and yourself.

My experience as a Scottish Children’s Author & Illustrator in 2021 has shown me that success like anything in life takes persistence, hard work and attention to detail and approaching book selling like any other business. Creating a great product that people want yo buy and finding effective ways to market and sell your books to the correct customer in the most effective and intelligent way possible.

My tips for new authors & illustrators!

Crunch down who you are as an author? What genre, style, reader do you relate to? What do you understand and know better than anyone? What unique perspective or story do you want to share with others? What drives and motivates you to write or illustrate? Who is your tribe, clan or group of readers and book buyers that share your thinking and ideas?

Understand the industry of self publishing and publishing!

Do you want to be totally autonomous and independent? Do you have the skills and talents to market your books yourself?


Do you want the prestige of a publishing deal and allow others to market and sell your books for you?

Shortcuts in self publishing!

Some simple basic advice I would give to anyone pursuing a future in self publishing whether your a children’s orauthor or adult is ;

  • Read & Research
  • Plan & Prepare
  • Get Tech savy
  • Go big on social media

Read & Research

Next have a direct strategy starting with Amazon & Smashwords profiles and accounts sort the rest later. Master amazon self publishing first especially if you are an illustrator Kindle Create & Kindle Kids’ Book Creator are so straight forward to master. You will find all the data, software and technical advice through your KDP account sign-up. Set up your full author profile on Author Central (sign-up on every continent available). Remember to set up your accounts in both the USA & UK very important.

Your second target is Smashwords your middle man upload to Smashwords and get straight into to lots of retailers incl. APPLE, BARNESANDNOBLE, GARDNERS, KOBO, ODILO & SCRIBD to just name a few. Download your FREE guides on formatting for Smashwords from founder Mark Coker Book Marketing Guide, Ebook Publishing Success & Smashwords Style Guide.

Plan & Prepare

Also have a planned strategy for your goals and objectives as an author or illustrator. Is this a hobby or future career? Set goals from sales revenues, no. of book sales, free give aways and launches.

Get Tech Savy

Read all the technical small print from accurate planning of your book templates for picture books to formatting for heavy text writing and creating your own templates for future use when coming to publish your 2nd, 3rd and 4th book.

Read, research, read technical blogs of other self published authors and great advisors i.e. The Creative Penn

Go Big on social media

Lastly ensure you understand all the big social media platforms and their different uses, benefits and down falls as a Scottish children’s Author & Illustrator I have realised how important the continuity of using the same profile URL is in not loosing followers .

Ensure you can secure a memorable name & identity the same across all platforms from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest to Linkedin. More importantly get visible on book reader hubs i.e. Goodreads and Wattpad.

Discover how to use FREE software like Hootsuite to push out multiple social media adverts in on go.

Most importantly as a new author or illustrator just take that first step and get creating and writing, the first step is always the most difficult!

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Have you lost your Passion?

Have you Lost your Passion? Find your Passion by thinking differently! We often loose sight of our lives passion at the junction of life when we swap the wrongly perceived characteristics of the child for the adult.

When did you loose your courage?

Did you stop taking risks?

Why did you stop being unreasonable? And start following others ideas & thinking?

Was there a point in life when you gave up on your vision & stopped dreaming?

Did you loose faith in yourself?

When did you loose your passion? And trade your gift for a day job and a wage?

How to regain your Passion!

If you want to regain your passion simply watch your children, listen to their ideas, their dreams and hopes. And there you will see a reflection of what was once your passion in life. Rediscover the six characteristics of the great entrepreneur, the inventor, the creative thinker and the child;

The Spirit; Our Passion

The Believer; Faith in ourselves

The Designer; Our vision and dreams

The Inventor; Our own ideas & thinking

The Gambler; Our willingness to take risks

The Rebel; Our courage to defend what we value

Four secrets to rekindling and discovering clues to your lost Passions in Life;

  1. Rediscover the child within you & analyse the above characteristics.
  2. If at the lowest point in life you had nothing material left to offer your neighbour. What is the single thing you always have to share?
  3. Recall experiences of greatest personal frustration and fulfilment in life (your earliest childhood memory of fulfilled JOY! that wasn’t motivated by the approval or praise of your parents or others). Then ask yourself what clues they offer in identifying your greatest gifts, values and passions in life.
  4. When discussing a specific subject when are you most animated, articulate, enthusiastic & confident. And how is this reflective in the books, author and films you love.

Why not try some of our Ebooks!

Similarly if you love dogs learn more about our dog book collection?

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Who are my Positive Friends?

The great entrepreneur and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie shared with Napoleon Hill what he called the Power of the Mastermind Alliance or in its simplest form the power of Positive Friends.

The lessons of ‘Think and Grow Rich’ are as relevant today as they were when published back in 1937. Yet we still don’t teach its principles to our children in schools or higher education. From my experience Think & Grow Rich is the bible of every great entrepreneur or individual seeking personal or professional success.

Napoleon Hill

A brilliant question from Napoleon Hill’s chapter of self -analysis on ‘How to outwit the six ghosts of fear’ is the question;

‘What connection if any do you see between the people with whom you associate most closely and any unhappiness you may experience?’

Like Andrew Carnegie Henry Ford had his own mastermind group which included brilliant thinkers like Thomas Edison. They understood the power and influence of surrounding yourself with likeminded individuals. They didn’t surround themselves with critics and pessimists but positive friends and visionaries that shared their optimism and a genuine want to assist each other constructively in fulfilling their goals.  

This similarly can have a major affect on the lives of our children and teens. Who are they surrounded by and influenced by? What are their mentors and peers like? A positive or negative influence? Inspiring, encouraging, optimistic? Napoleon Hill has some great insights and lessons for parents on the subject of self help.

  1. Who as a child were your Positive Friends?
  2. Who encouraged supported and lifted your spirits?
  3. Which teacher, role model, parent, sibling or grandparent gave you genuine encouragement?
  4. Who filled your mind with positive ideas, thoughts and thinking?
  5. Who are your children’s friends that uplift, inspire and encourage them most?

As an adult today who are your Positive Friends? Where is your Mastermind Alliance? Therefore sew the seeds in the imagination of your children starting with a positive & inspiring  character, positive words, inspiring and empowering stories and lessons in self-help. But more importantly encourage them to surround themselves with Positive Friends and Positive Books!

Discover some of my recommendations on books and Youtuber’s in my next series of blogs!

Learn more about Denise McKeever!

P.S. if you like our books why not discover our dog book collection?

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Teach our children the Power of Positive Thinking!

As an author & illustrator I was a late starter to reading. My real passion for reading began when I was first introduced to the world of Self-Help and Personal Development aged 16 years old. This genre of book was essential and instrumental to my self-confidence, perception and vision of the world.

Therefore from the perspective of a mother the single skill I would wish for each of my children is to master the power of ‘Positive Thinking’.

‘The Power of Positive Thinking’ by Norman Vincent Peale

One of the first books I ever read was ‘The Power of Positive Thinking’ by Norman Vincent Peale a book that has become one of my life’s mantras. As an adult the core principle that has always served me through life’s challenges, up’s and down’s is having possession of my own mind. And to look for the positive in every given situation- no matter how challenging.

Life is as Croesus, adviser to Cyrus, King of the Persians stated;

“There is a wheel on which the affairs of men or women revolve, and its mechanism is such that it prevents any man or woman from being always fortunate…… This same wheel that prevents any man or woman from being always fortunate may provide also that no one shall be always unfortunate, provided he will take possession of his own mind and direct it to the attainment of some Definite Major Purpose in Life.” 

Above all I believe as parents and custodian’s of the next generation we eventually come to a point in their lives where we cannot control what good or bad fortune our children face in life. But while they are children and in our care we can prepare them from an early age with strategies, tools and skills to take possession of their own thoughts with a healthy perspective of the world.

Albert Einstein

One of the most influential thinkers of the last century was Albert Einstein and for all his knowledge and expertise he considered that the most important question facing humanity was;

‘Is the universe a friendly place?’ This is the first and most basic question all people must answer for themselves.

So I would love to ask this generation of children this same question in this age of social media, technology and social change.

Do you view the Universe as a friendly place?

Can you view the future with optimism and possibility?

Do you possess the skill and control to think Positively?

Similarly I believe that as custodians of the next generation we have a responsibility to be honest about the world but more importantly we should offer them reminders that ‘the Universe is a friendly place’.

Beginning at an early age with one small simple positive image, word, affirmation, story or action at a time.

My book recommendations this month;

‘The Power of Positive Thinking’ by Norman Vincent Peale

My Positive Alphabet learn more!

Additionally if you love my books why not learn more about our new book collection The Scribblers?